Throw to vs. Throw at

He threw the ball to me. (= He threw the ball in my direction, so that I could catch it or have it.)
ha ka’e na ke mpila hitaye
3SG toward 1SG O ball throw-PST

He threw the ball at me. (= He tried to hit me with the ball.)
ha’ena ke mpila hitaye
3SG-P.1SG O ball throw-PST

He threw the ball at me and hit me.
ha’ena ke mpila hitaye ma ena hyoka
3SG-P.1SG O ball throw-PST and P.1SG strike

Words and Phrases I’d Like to See Less Of

My list would be so much longer than this.

Perverted Wisdom

Game-changer:  Life is no game and games that don’t change aren’t any fun and aren’t really games

Closure:  According to my Oxford Universal Dictionary from 1955, psychological closure did not exist back then. No one had it. Now suddenly no one can live without it. I need some closure on “closure.”

Empowering:  In a social setting, “power” means power over other people. One cannot have power in a social sense without some poor chump losing power. The Tennessee Value Authority–now that was empowering!

Sea-change:  Other than pollution from human beings, the sea never changes; it’s always the same. It’s a biological fact that evolution occurs much slower in the ocean than on land. Witness the horseshoe crab–you couldn’t get away with that kind of static bullshit on land.

Cutting edge:  With so many people claiming to be cutting edge, it’s amazing the whole universe hasn’t been shredded yet.

Alpha male:  What’s wrong with the old-fashioned term…

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