10 Facts About 10 Written Languages

Read this. Please. I could not have written this any better. Anyone that appreciates language on any level will enjoy this article.


Arabic is made up of consonants, long vowels, and short vowels. In the written language, short vowels are typically not written, which saves paper. Words such as “madrasa” would be written as “mdrsa,” leaving it up to the reader to understand the word based on context. The Quran, to avoid confusion as to its meanings, includes extra punctuation over, under, and besides each consonant that is unique only to the Quran.

Korean is widely considered to be the most scientific languages because the written script was methodically invented by King Sejon in the 1400’s. The letters were designed to follow the shape of the mouth when pronounced.

Note: The short instructional video above contains some English words as well, since modern Koreans try to teach children English as well as Korean to give them a head start in their learning.

Translation of Chorus: Red, yellow, green pretty veggies, Everyday are…

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