Document Library

This page will contain links to many savable documents about Kala and other projects. A few of these documents are “living documents”, meaning they are constantly under revision but also contain amassed information that should be thought of as accurate. If, while you are reading one of these documents, you happen to spot an error, or have questions, please feel free to contact me [cfbuckjr][-at-][gmail][-dot-][-com-].

Kala Conlang

Kala Grammar

Nahokala: The old grammar of Kala. OUTDATED/SUPERSEDED

Kala Constructed Language. This is the latest and best iteration of Kala grammar. It supersedes the above reference document.

Kala Writing Systems

Moya document that explains the oldest script in use for Kala.

Omyatloko Logosyllabary – The definitive guide to the logosyllabary that has been in develpment since 2014.

Kenamoya abugida – A decorative script for Kala centered on a circular design.

Tamaka Culture


Amal Conlang


Hazhemo Conlang


Kalo Conlang


Klingon Writing

Klingon Alternative Script. A side project to create a functionally more appropriate script for Klingon.

Hangul for Klingon. A functional adaptation of Hangul for writing Klingon.